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What Should You Know about Working and Living in Oman as a Healthcare Professional?

Oman is becoming a popular destination for healthcare professionals seeking opportunities abroad. The healthcare sector in Oman is undergoing significant transformations, aiming to provide high-quality medical services and cater to the needs of its population. For healthcare professionals contemplating a move to Oman, understanding the nuances of working and living in this serene country is crucial. Here’s a detailed guide inspired by the insights provided by Dynamic Health Staff, one of the best recruitment agencies with expertise in placing healthcare workers in foreign jobs for more than four decades.

Introduction to Oman’s Healthcare Landscape

Oman’s commitment to safeguarding the health and welfare of its people is reflected in the healthcare system in the country which forms a significant portion of the country’s welfare model. The Sultanate has made remarkable strides in healthcare delivery and infrastructure, showcasing a balanced mix of public and private sector investments. The government-led healthcare network, under the stewardship of the Ministry of Health, offers extensive coverage, providing accessible, quality medical services across the country. This is complemented by a growing private sector that caters to an increasing demand for specialized and premium care options. 

As part of its Vision 2040 plan, which seeks to enhance population health through state-of-the-art medical centers and wellness programs, the government has made significant investments in healthcare infrastructure. As a result, there is a steady demand for skilled healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and allied health workers.

For healthcare professionals considering Oman as a career destination, the landscape offers a dynamic environment with opportunities for growth, learning, and contribution to community health improvements. The nation’s health system is characterized by a steady influx of medical expertise and technology, driven by substantial state funding and strategic development plans. 

Additionally, Oman’s cultural respect for the medical profession and progressive healthcare policies make it an appealing place for medical practitioners and allied health professionals looking to expand their horizons in a diverse and culturally rich setting.

 Opportunities for Healthcare Professionals

Opportunities for Healthcare Professionals in Oman present an enticing proposition for those considering relocation. The Sultanate is actively enhancing its healthcare infrastructure and services as part of its Vision 2040 development plan, which aims to diversify the economy and reduce dependency on oil revenues. This strategic shift has led to significant investment in hospitals and clinics, creating numerous job vacancies for both local and expatriate medical professionals.

Working in Oman offers healthcare professionals a chance to participate in a growing system that values expertise and innovation. The government’s increased focus on healthcare has not only broadened the scope of practice but also heightened the standards of medical care. There are ample opportunities for career advancement, training, and professional development, particularly in emerging specialties that align with the country’s health priorities, such as diabetes care, cardiology, and mental health services.

Moreover, Oman provides a unique blend of traditional culture and modern living, which can be highly appealing. The country is known for its hospitable people, scenic landscapes, and high quality of life. Healthcare professionals working in Oman benefit from competitive tax-free salaries, housing allowances, and other expatriate benefits, making it an attractive destination for those looking to enhance their careers while experiencing a new culture. 

Qualifications and Licensing

To practice as a healthcare professional in Oman, one must obtain a license from the Oman Medical Specialty Board (OMSB) or the Ministry of Health, depending on the profession. The requirements typically include:

  • A recognized degree in your healthcare field.
  • Passing a licensing exam specific to your field of specialization.
  • A minimum number of years of experience, usually two years, post-qualification.
  • Proficiency in English and preferably some basic knowledge of Arabic, though not mandatory.

We at Dynamic Health Staff assist candidates in navigating these requirements, from preparing for exams to getting them a job offer to completing application processes for licensure in Oman.

Living in Oman: Cultural Considerations

Living in Oman offers a unique experience characterized by the country’s rich cultural heritage and hospitable environment. However, adapting to a new culture can pose challenges. Some are listed here: 

Social and Cultural Environment

Oman offers a distinctive social and cultural environment marked by its deep-rooted traditions and warm hospitality. As a healthcare professional moving to Oman, understanding and respecting these cultural norms is crucial. Dress codes are conservative, and modesty is highly valued, especially in professional settings. 

Language is another important aspect, with Arabic being the official language. Although English is widely used in the healthcare sector, learning basic Arabic phrases can facilitate better interactions with patients and colleagues. Social interactions are typically formal, with a strong emphasis on respect and politeness.

The expatriate community is also vibrant in Oman, providing a support system for newcomers adjusting to a new cultural landscape. Thus, integrating respectfully into the local culture while connecting with other expatriates can greatly enhance the experience of living and working in Oman.

Accommodation and Lifestyle

In Oman, healthcare professionals often find comfortable accommodation options, ranging from modern apartments in urban centers like Muscat to more traditional housing in suburban and rural areas. Employers typically provide housing or a housing allowance, which is a substantial part of the compensation package. Due to Oman’s humid environment, these hotels typically come with amenities like air conditioning and access to gyms and swimming pools. 

Oman’s lifestyle is influenced by its rich cultural heritage and the warmth of its people. Expatriates, including healthcare professionals, usually experience a welcoming environment where they can partake in local traditions and customs. English is widely spoken within the healthcare community, facilitating a smooth transition for international professionals. 

Social life can revolve around expat communities, which are vibrant and offer various social gatherings and activities, allowing newcomers to feel at home quickly.

Work Culture

Healthcare professionals, both local and expatriate, are expected to navigate a workplace environment that values hierarchy, respect for seniority, and a collective approach to problem-solving. Punctuality and professionalism are highly regarded, reflecting the broader Omani emphasis on courtesy and respect in business dealings.

Interactions in Oman hospitals and clinics are generally formal, with a clear emphasis on using titles and formal greetings. The workweek typically runs from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday and Saturday being the weekend, aligning with the Islamic holy day of Friday. Working hours may vary, especially during the holy month of Ramadan when the pace of work slows and working hours are reduced.

Cultural sensitivity is crucial for healthcare professionals working in Oman. This includes understanding local customs, religious practices, and the social importance of family. Getting used to these cultural quirks can help foreign workers in Oman’s healthcare sector have a fruitful and satisfying career.

Challenges and Rewards

Professional Challenges

Working and living in Oman as a healthcare professional presents unique challenges that are crucial to consider for successful integration and career progression. One of the primary challenges is the stringent regulatory environment. Healthcare professionals must obtain licensure from the Oman Medical Specialty Board, which involves passing exams and fulfilling specific criteria that can vary significantly from those in Western countries.

Additionally, adapting to the local culture and social norms is essential for effective communication and integration into the community. Moreover, while developing, Oman’s healthcare infrastructure may not always match the standards that more developed healthcare systems are accustomed to. Limited resources, differing medical practices, and the availability of technology can impact the type and quality of care professionals are able to provide. Understanding and overcoming these challenges is vital for healthcare professionals aiming to make a meaningful impact in their roles in Oman.


Working and living in Oman as a healthcare professional offers numerous advantages, both professional and personal. One of the primary benefits is the competitive salary package that often includes tax-free income, which significantly increases the net earnings compared to many Western countries. Additionally, healthcare professionals are usually provided with comprehensive health insurance, housing allowances, and sometimes even education allowances for their children, making the overall compensation package very attractive.

In terms of professional growth, Oman’s healthcare sector is rapidly expanding and investing heavily in state-of-the-art medical facilities, providing ample opportunities for career advancement and the chance to work with cutting-edge technologies. The country’s strategic initiatives to enhance healthcare services attract a diverse workforce, fostering a multicultural professional environment that enriches skill sets and experience.

Living in Oman also presents a unique lifestyle opportunity. The country is known for its stunning natural landscapes, from deserts to beaches, and a rich cultural heritage. The Omani people are renowned for their hospitality, and the expatriate community is vibrant and welcoming, offering a strong support network for newcomers. This blend of professional opportunities and high-quality life makes Oman an appealing destination for healthcare professionals worldwide.

What is the Role of Dynamic Health Staff?

From metropolitan hospitals to outlying clinics, we at Dynamic Health Staff in Oman are working tirelessly to provide efficient healthcare professionals to the country. These professionals are not only responsible for clinical duties but also for adapting to the diverse needs of the population they serve. This includes cultural competence, continuous professional development, and the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams. 

The government of Oman has been investing heavily in health infrastructure and education to meet the growing health demands of its population. As a result, health staff are increasingly involved in preventive care initiatives, public health awareness campaigns, and chronic disease management programs. Their role extends beyond patient care to include participation in research and policy-making to improve the overall health standards in the country. 

We, therefore, are pivotal in bridging the gap between community needs and the healthcare system’s capabilities, ensuring a resilient healthcare framework that is responsive to the evolving health landscape.


Ultimately, working and living in Oman as a healthcare professional offers a unique and rewarding opportunity characterized by competitive salaries, tax-free income, and a chance to engage with a diverse patient demographic. However, it also comes with challenges, such as adapting to cultural norms, managing administrative processes, and potential language barriers. 

The Omani government’s investment in healthcare infrastructure and its vision for medical tourism suggest a growing sector, promising more opportunities for career growth and professional development. 

For those willing to navigate these waters, the experience can enrich their personal and professional lives, provide valuable global exposure, and contribute significantly to Oman’s healthcare landscape. To thrive, prospective healthcare workers should prepare by researching the local culture and regulatory environment and possibly learning basic Arabic to improve communication with patients and colleagues.

If you are a healthcare professional considering a move to Oman, take the first step in this exciting journey by reaching out to us at Dynamic Health Staff. We provide detailed information on certifications, job opportunities, and the support needed to begin your career in Oman. Contact us at healthcare@dynamichealthstaff.com or +91-9810017608 to find out more about our services. 

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About the author

Based out of the UAE , Dynamic Health Staff (www.dynamichealthstaff.com) is an industry leader in overseas recruitment since 1977. We have 12 offices in 6 countries.

Each year, we give jobs to over 2500 healthcare professionals.

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