Is OET accepted in the US now? November 23, 2022 OET is the international English language test designed particularly for healthcare professionals. Now, doctors and nurses can verify their English language competency while applying… Spread the love Continue Reading
Nursing Jobs in the UK for Indian Nurses November 15, 2022 The UK has a growing population and a high demand for healthcare professionals. There are many nursing jobs in the UK for Indian nurses…. Spread the love Continue Reading
Our MD, Mr. Varun Khosla, speaks about how we help nurses and doctors relocate internationally. October 26, 2022 Dynamic Health Staff helps healthcare professionals work in countries of their preference. We would like to thank all healthcare workers who are working… Spread the love Continue Reading
These nurses increased their salary from 25K to 2.5lacs a month! October 19, 2022 Maria, Anna and Jose were ICU Nurse’s working in Ernakulam, Kerala. As a senior ICU nurse, they was getting a fair salary compared to… Spread the love Continue Reading
Dynamic Healthstaff opens a new branch at Kottayam in Kerala October 12, 2022 Dynamic Healthstaff, one of the fastest-growing healthcare recruitment agencies in the country, has opened its new branch at Kottayam in Kerala. We now have… Spread the love Continue Reading
9 Questions Nurses should ask in an Interview! October 8, 2022 Are you a nurse or nursing student looking for a perfect job abroad? If so, finding the ideal workplace can seem intimidating and challenging…. Spread the love Continue Reading
Salaries of Nurses across the World October 7, 2022 Nurses are often underpaid compared to other professions. In some countries, they even earn less than teachers or firefighters. How much does a nurse… Spread the love Continue Reading
Nearly 47,000 nursing positions are vacant in England, a record number. October 6, 2022 According to recently released figures, the number of vacant positions for registered nurses in England’s National Health Service increased to 46,828 between April and… Spread the love Continue Reading
UK NMC makes English language requirement changes which will impact nurses. September 30, 2022 The English language requirements have undergone two significant modifications approved by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). The agency approved to amend its English… Spread the love Continue Reading
WHO shows concern about the nursing shortage in the UK and Europe September 12, 2022 The international organization has emphasized that European countries, including the UK, will experience a catastrophic shortage of nurses and other healthcare workers unless they… Spread the love Continue Reading