The full form of OET is Occupational English Test which is specifically meant for healthcare professionals and is accepted by all healthcare regulatory bodies in UK, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore, and many more countries for registration purposes.
Though you can opt for IELTS as well, but if you are a healthcare professional, we recommend you to go for OET. This exam will simply make you confident enough to work in an English speaking healthcare environment.
There are 4 modules in OET, Writing, Speaking, Reading & listening. You need to score B grade in all four modules to get a job overseas in all the countries except Ireland. If you opt for Ireland, you need to score grade B in Writing and Speaking and C+ in Reading and Listening.
If you are non-native English speakers, you need to take the OET test, but if you are a Native English speaker, you need not take any English language test.
Yes, you can make a request for revaluation within 5 days of your result publication if you are not satisfied with the result of your OET.
OET score card is valid for up to two years.
Yes, you can change your exam date only under severe medical reason. You will be charged a registration fee for postponing your exam, and you have to provide a medical certificate. If you fail to provide the required documents, you will be charged full exam fee again.
You will get your OET result after 16 days from the date of your exam. You will get a copy of the exam result within 10-12 days of your online result.
There is no significant difference in OET & OET 2.0 version. It’s all the same.
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